There are a lot of different ways to get information in today’s world. Furthermore, if you are more interested in Counter-Strike:Global Offensive and eSports in general, you will have to sign up for an account with Twitter. Twitter is a social network which has only one purpose, to send out short messages and information.


There are a lot of reasons why you would want to follow Counter-Strike:Global Offensive twitter accounts. Mainly, if you are a bettor, then you probably want to know what is actual, and you just want to stay in touch with everything surrounding your betting predictions.

Secondly, almost every professional CS:GO player and analyst have their own twitter accounts. If you are to follow some of them, you would have a clear picture of what is happening in their lives as a Counter-Strike:Global Offensive professionals.


We will divide this article into 3 different sections. Bettors, CS:GO enthusiasts and casuals. Twitter is always filled with numerous content providers, some are more serious than others, but they are all helping the community to grow.


As I mentioned above, if you are serious when it comes to csgo betting, you want to know what is happening with certain players and teams. You also want to know certain statistics without having to spend a lot of time researching. Here are some of the best Twitter accounts to follow.

CS:GO Betting Account

One of the most popular websites, but their twitter is not bad either. At the moment they have over 200.000 followers. You can find numerous interviews and statistics on their website and twitter. Everything that can be dug out about a team or a player can be found here.


Another twitter account where you can track statistics for teams, player, tournaments, and leagues. Just like their rivals,, they keep a track of everything that is happening to teams and player, but they keep everything nice and short. Their twitter is also a place where you can get all the news related to Esports, not only about Counter-Strike:Global Offensive, but in all popular titles, such as Dota 2, League of Legends, StarCraft and many others.


For obvious reasons….


If you enjoy watching tournaments, then you will have to follow most of the tournament’s hosts, their sponsors, teams, and players. These are only some of the most popular Twitter accounts in this field.

ESL Counter Strike

Twitter Handle – @ESLCS

This is probably the most popular Twitter account if we are to compare ESL to other tournaments. They are the world’s largest Esports company. Mainly, they prefer to sponsor leagues, ladders, but they do not shy away from organizing tournaments. 

ESL Pro League 2018

If you are to follow them on Twitter, you will be able to see a lot of stream notifications, highlight plays, and results.


Twitter Handle – @DreamHack

Another tournament organizer finds his way on this list. DreamHack is a very popular organizer, as they tend to host tournaments in capital cities around the world. Their twitter is filled with their personal recordings, giveaways and Esports content. However, they do not cover only Counter-Strike:Global Offensive, they cover all bigger Esports games out there.


Almost all the tier 1 times in CS:GO have their official Twitter account. This is the best way to see what the team is up to and where are they at the moment. If we take Astralis as an example, we can see that their Twitter is very active, with a total of 8080 tweets. If you are to visit their account, you would have something to see. Alongside pictures of them winning trophies and having random photo shootings, they also enjoy posting funny gifs of their players. Give these accounts a try!


Alongside teams having their own Twitter accounts, almost all of the players playing for these teams have one as well. If we take Nikola “Niko” Kovač as an example, we can see that he is posting a lot of random stuff on his profile. For instance, every time they are on a tour, they love to go out and get wasted. Most of the times you will find a picture of Niko with some other CS:GO pro, which is nice to see, everyone is getting along. Furthermore, you can also see him ranting about the state of the game, and he is regular at posting FaZe Clan recent results. Niko has over 250.000 followers, which makes one thing very clear, people enjoy watching what professional Counter-Strike:Global Offensive players do.


If you are not a fan of the Esports scene, nor you like to watch tournaments, then this is a place for you. You probably enjoy watching quality content, either as a video, or through Twitter. These are some of the best content creators on Twitter.



NadeKing is mainly a YouTuber, who is producing good and quality content. There are a lot of tips and tricks videos on his channel, followed by numerous funny moments situations and strategies. However, his Twitter account is also very active, as he has over 30.000 followers. He enjoys doing random giveaways for his fans, and he is not shying away from chatting with his fans. Overall, a great content creator.

CS:GO Reddit Related Twitter Account


This is the official Twitter account for the Counter-Strike:Global Offensive subreddit. If you are to give them a follow on Twitter you would not miss any important updates, news, results, discussions, articles, and all other CS:GO relevant things. This Twitter account can be used by all sections I mentioned above, as it contains quality content, results, analysis, results, and highlights. Overall, this is probably the best and the most useful Twitter account related to Counter-Strike:Global Offensive.

Other Notable CS:GO Professional Twitter Accounts:

  • Jarosław ‘pashaBiceps’ Jarząbkowski – 265k @paszaBiceps
  • Epitacio ‘TACO’ de Melo – 271k @TACOCS
  • Christopher ‘GeT_RiGhT’ Alesund – 290k @GeT_RiGhTcs
  • Olof ‘olofmeister’ Kajbjer – 303k @olofmeister
  • Gabriel ‘FalleN’ Toledo – 577k @FalleNCS

What Twitter accounts do you use to stay on track with CS:GO? Are you a bettor, casual, or CS:GO enthusiast? Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.